Health & Wellbeing
Keep safe during cold weather
With winter well and truly with us, please look out for family and friends who might be vulnerable to low temperatures.
The latest advice on keeping warm and well in cold weather can be found on the UK Health Security Agency webpage.
If you know of anyone who is sleeping rough, or if you are concerned about a rough sleeper, please contact a member of the Housing Team on 01803 861234. For outside of office hours, you can call us on 01803 861539. You can also connect with StreetLink, a service for reporting concerns about rough sleepers.
For weather updates, please visit the Met Office website for the most up to date information.
GP Collective Action
Following the announcement by the British Medical Association (BMA) confirming that GP practices will be taking collective action across the country from 1 August, the following advice has been made for patients:
GP practices are open, and patients should continue to access the in the same way as they normally do.
Individual GP practices will advise patients about changes to their services at their practice.
During collective action practices are still required to fulfil their contracts. This means:
Practices are required to be open between 0800 and 1830 Monday to Friday.
Practices should provide reasonable care to patients. This includes:
• Making appointments available
• Providing advice or care to patients by another means
• Giving advice on alternative services
• Providing access to prescriptions, long terms condition management, vaccinations, diagnoses, and referral (including where clinically urgent)
Practices also need to take into account:
• The needs of a patient to avoid risks to patient safety.
• The benefits to patients of providing continuity of care.
Over the coming days/weeks, NHS Devon will be working closely with GPs and colleagues to understand the detail of what any collective action may look like and the plans that need to be put in place to support patients in Devon.
NHS Devon is working with NHS England and system partners to monitor activity so that every step has been taken to ensure care continues to be delivered safely and that reasonable needs of patients continue to be met, alongside the other contractual requirements.
Disability Grants Available
July 2024 edition of Disability Grants News - a monthly round up of highlights on the Disability Grants website and resources for anyone with a disability, caring for or working with disabled adults or children. Helping you find the right grant.
In 2016, Buckland Tout Saints Parish Council raised money through a number of fundraising events for a defibrillator that is now installed at Buckland Court.
The Lifeline Defibrillator is state-of-the-art equipment that is able to talk the user through the steps to potentially save a life.
Directions to the defibrillator: From the centre of the village turn north towards Buckland Court. Take the second left, walk past Longclose House and the Defibrillator is stored in the cupboard under the archway into Buckland court.
The Phone Box
Goveton is home to a rather special phone box that sits in the centre of the village. At risk of being removed due to lack of use, the box was purchased for the huge sum of £1 in 2008 as part of BT’s 'adopt a box' scheme. There were two previous attempts to adopt the box that failed so a lot of research and planning went into having the application approved and thankfully, it was.
The parish phone box is now a popular book exchange with residents and visitors to the village both donating and taking out books as they wish. It is closed during the winter months due to the damp conditions. Look out for the village Christmas tree in there during December.
Give it a try!
Kingsbridge Library
Open five days a week the library offers a warm welcome to all. Includes a bright and cheerful children’s library and an area for teens. In addition to books and audiobooks there are a wide range of events for both children and adults. Hot drinks available for a donation.
01548 852315,
Ilbert Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1EB
The Devon Home Library Service delivers books to people unable to get to the library because of health, mobility or caring responsibilities. Dedicated volunteers can choose and deliver books to your home, including large print and audiobooks, free of charge.
Further info Kingsbridge Library or 0345 1551001,